John & Doja Ogungbesan, London

Yours was a life of dedication and service. You impacted many lives throughout the world. We are thankful for knowing you and your ministry. It’s almost unbelievable that you are not around anymore. Rest In Peace, Pastor T


The Lord Jesus is with you As you ascend the glory of God’s divination Let His Spirit reign within you As you sacrifice for His work here on earth let His glory fill you up Let the light of Jesus Shine Let His power overflow your life Let His resting place be your home Ascend […]

Jovita Melbourne, Australia

Pastor Tayo, Your teaching has been a blessing to many. Its sad that you left so soon. May the good Lord grant you eternal rest.

Pst. Ben Okojie .London

Gone so soon pastor, you’ve inparted us so much with words that had transformed lives and change ministries positively. You’ll be missed , may your soul rest in peace.

Tony & Elizabeth Ajala, Kent UK

You were a great orator, teacher and visionary reader. You taught us how important it is to keep the faith despite the challenges we face every day, especially when you were going through them yourself. The many teachings you delivered through the media wide were thought provoking, inspiring, challenging and uplifting to our spiritual life. […]

Fikelephi Jackson, United Kingdom, Kent

Pastor Tayo, Today, I am an Author, a Mentor, and a Speaker because of your obedience, your teaching, your support. I thank God for the day you were born. You have raised me up by God’s grace, today I can stand on my two feet! In my grief you were with my family, in celebration […]