With a heavy heart I say goodbye and thank you for being such a blessing to our generation.

We may never understand why you had to leave us so early. But we are thankful for all you have taught us – even in death.

Indeed Sir, you taught your greatest message at your death – “Finish well”. You finished your race amazingly well – you went Deeper and Higher all the way with God along with the rest of New Wine Church and then you Touched and Reached Heaven on the Last Day.

Even in death you have taught us that what’s important is not how we start but how we finish. You have taught us that what is important is not how long we live but how well we live.

You showed us the Way. You showed us how to live. You showed us how to be. You taught us how to run. Then you completed your part of the Race and passed us the baton.

Now we will continue to run the Race like you ran because we know the Way that you showed us. We will run our Race and “Finish Well” just like you did and we will teach others to run just like you taught us.

Then finally we will meet again on that glorious day of celebration – and oh what a party we will have!

Goodnight Father!

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