Pastor Tayo is a father, pastor, teacher and counsellor like no other. He led me to Christ on April 11th 2007 in New Wine church and since then my life has been blessed beyond measures. I remember speaking to him during the workers meeting in 2010 about my husband being a moslim and he said that if I love and respect my husband and continue to pray for him, that God’s Will will be done in his own time. To the glory of God on New Year’s eve 2011, my husband miraculously walked into New Wine church and gave his life to God during the alter call. Pastor Tayo ministry and teachings has changed my life forever and God is doing immense and great things in my family’s life even after we relocated to Glasgow last year. On hearing this news I have cried and cried but also I am consoled by the numerous lives that the ministry of Pastor Tayo has touched in every positive way and I strongly believe that God is about to do greater and mightier things in the ministry of New Wine Church both in London and Internationally.
Sleep well Pastor until we meet with singing and dancing in the bosom of our great God and King. RIP