Pastor Tayo,
It is quite unbelievable that you had to depart this world at a very young age. I however take solace in the fact that impact in life is not by duration but by donation.You really left your footprints on the sands of the world. As one of God’s Generals you did leave a lasting legacy and your signature on the global apostolic faith. You were a mentor of no mean repute and a teacher that showed and walked the way for others to follow. The Christendom will miss you but we are consoled by the knowledge that you are resting in the bosom of your Lord and Saviour. My prayers go to Lady J, the children, the Adeyemi family and the entire New Wine family, God will console you all and give you the strength and fortitude to bear this irreparable transition. Good night Pastor Tayo, continue to sleep and have your deserved rest in the mansion that your God has prepared for you.