In summer 1999 my family decided against long journeys to church. We visited churches within the Greenwich borough. We were particularly impressed and inspired at New Wine by the greeters, worship style, information and the presentation of the word. We attended the annual convention held at City Temple that same week and knew that God was building a people of power and influence for the twenty first century. We integrated very quickly.

In tribute to the visionary leader Dr Tayo Adeyemi, who demonstrated an unyielding faith even to the end; I have written this brief expression of his ministries, which will outlive this generation and even the ones after, should Jesus tarry.
Thank God for Lady J who has demonstrated great strength and unquestionable faith all along.
New Wine is going forward.

In honour of my Lord and King,
His majesty enthroned in dominion splendour,
He who owns the silver, the gold
And the cattle on a thousand hills,
Who shaped the mountains and the valleys
And gave vitality, freedom, sight and authority;
And all will see and praise our heavenly Father.

Alas the redeemed dwell in penury,
For the just I reserve the wealth of the wicked,
To all I give life in all its fullness;
Son, raise me an army, a global workforce;
Equip them to discover, develop and deploy,
My imperishable gifts and treasures in them;
And all will see and praise our heavenly Father.

In active service but not a curate,
Herald, make it loud, ditch limits and maximise life,
Lord, I see generations transformed,
Souls refreshed their flesh crucified, it is grace
Clear vision, enlarged capacity, honour and excellence
Towel for service, perfume for influence;
And all will see and praise our heavenly Father.

My soul praises you o Lord my God,
You have made me glad, what more can I say?
You honour me, even me!
Lord, this is timeless and bigger than me,
Take it Lord and smile, it is my worship,
Let heaven rejoice for the blessed rising army
And all will see and praise our heavenly Father.

No more valleys let the mountains bow,
In pain or sorrow you alone I will trust and worship,
Take all of me, I am yours,
My eyes closed and I appear before you,
Then shall I know me even as I am known
Yield to you the Church I see in honour of my king;
And all will see and praise our heavenly Father.

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