3yrs ago PASTOR gave a preaching that made a big impact on me, THE 7 HABITS OF A CHAMPION.
i was on bail for possesion with intent to supply class A drugs, for me that was a way of life and i saw no way of giving it up. until i went to jail and one day i was in the prison library and saw a book called the 7 habits of a champion, and it freed my mind. i remembered everything pastor was preaching while in prison, from that moment on i became a champion.
i changed my life around, i enroled in open university, i gain a few qualification that enabled me to gain employment upon release. i have been out of jail for 9months now, and i am working a legal job, and i also now have my own business which is still small but it generates a income. i came to church on New years eve, but Pastor Tayo was ill.
i Pray one day i will be able to stand in church and give my testimony……. Pastor Tayo was my Champion and still is.

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