I saw a star shining bright in the sky. That star is you.
I miss you Pastor Tayo. I recall a message you preached a few years ago about the dash in between ones date of birth and date of death and you said that what happens within that dash was very significant because the dash represents what one achieved in life and the impact they made whilst on earth. I can’t begin to quantify the impact you made on my life with your words of wisdom and encouragement. You were a man of excellence through and through. You have left a deep vacuum but typical of you, you made sure that you raised champions to continue where you have left off. You prepared us Pastor Tayo but we never thought you would leave us so soon.
I am comforted by your teachings and even though the earth has lost a General, I know that heaven has gained one more saint. I know you are resting in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ and I know that we will meet again. What a glorious day that will be. Goodnight Pastor Tayo, rest in perfect peace.